Story Shed

We are writing with hearts full of gratitude to express our deepest thanks to each one of you who has played a part in bringing the Story Shed project to life. Your generosity, support, and belief in our vision have been nothing short of inspiring.

A massive shout-out to Ruth Le Gear, whose tireless fundraising efforts have been the backbone of this project. Ruth, your dedication and passion have truly made a difference, and we cannot thank you enough for all that you have done.

We are also incredibly grateful to Gareth Cooze, our exceptional builder whose skill and commitment have been pivotal in turning our dream into a reality. Gareth, your workmanship is a testament to the beauty and functionality of our new space – thank you!

Special thanks must also go to Graham, Alan, and Mick for their crucial roles in finishing the shed. Your hard work and attention to detail have ensured that our story shed is not only built but beautifully completed.

We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the generous support of Sligo Credit Union, Tesco Ireland, Creative Ireland, and all the wonderful community members who donated through our GoFundMe campaign. Your contributions have been vital in making this project a success.

As we move closer to completing the story shed in the coming weeks, we are reminded daily of the power of community and the impact of collective effort. This shed will be a place where stories come to life, creativity blooms, and community bonds strengthen.

Thank you once again to everyone involved. We are excited to share this magical space with you soon, where many happy stories will be told and cherished memories created.


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