
Biodiversity Workshops


Do you want to do more for nature but you don’t know where to start? Join ecologists from Woodrow as they demonstrate simple techniques for promoting biodiversity in your local community. Learn how to identify tree species, propagate seeds, and create new habitats for birds and bats. By the end of the workshop participants will have new skills, new vocabulary, and first-hand experience in doing their bit for the planet. 


These events will be held at Sligo Children’s Community Garden, Cleveragh Drive, Sligo. Directions can be found on Google Maps by entering the plus code 7G6W+62. 


Parking on the day will be limited so it is advised to park in Sligo Regional Park (opposite swimming pool) and walk to the Community Garden (5 minutes). 


The event is family friendly and geared at all ages – young and old. 


Be sure to dress for the weather! 


Spaces are limited so please book your FREE tickets through:



And only one building workshop per family please.


This event is made possible by generous funding from our partners at Sligo TidyTowns and the EU LEADER Programme.